Monday, August 30, 2010

Bungle in the Jungle

I have been indulging my garden for several years now. I love it in the spring: beautiful, neat, tidy. In summer, things much more blousy and overgrown but still basically OK. Now it's end of summer and all my indulgences along the way are making it hard to make out a garden for all the over-grown stuff I felt sorry for. I have coxcomb, three or four foot tall that seeded right at the front of the garden. Also, the infamous 'Monkey Balls' which everyone (including me) loves have, after 3 years, seeded everywhere in my little garden. Way too much of a good thing. And 
did I tell you about the morning glories that have over taken one end of the garden? They have also over shadowed some of my spring perennials so much I am afraid they are no longer with us, gone to glory as a very dear friend used to say.

You may be asking yourself how this came about. I am a diligent gardener, so I work at least a little bit in the garden everyday. How could I spoil these plants so much that they hijacked my garden? It started in a small way when they were small plants: I just didn't want to pull them out.  Who wants to pull out a perfectly good plant? My problem is I had so many perfectly good plants that I knew would grow up to be beautiful, they were just in the wrong place and way too many. As if I needed encouragement, I was egged on by customers and friends who exclaim how beautiful it is. By now, all I see is a mess. I have at this late date started to rectify the situation by pulling up these plants that started life so small and innocent and became so big and bullying...which means I now have huge holes in my garden. Morningside Farm is on the Culpeper Farm tour the first weekend in October--uh oh. What do you think sunlight, space, and expert watering can do by then? Stay tuned.